Israeli Startup Night イスラエル・スタートアップ・ナイト 〜未来のニューメディア企業
(English follows Japanese)
11月12日(火)、イスラエルから初来日するニューメディア( 放送技術・ファンエンゲージメント・ビデオ体験・VR・コンテンツ等提供) スタートアップのピッチ及びネットワーキングイベントを行います!
昨今ソーシャルメディア・モバイル・5Gなどが視聴者のメディア消費に変化をもたらしており、視聴者に合った新しいコンテンツをどれだけ早く配信できるかという競争に勝つには、AI・ ビッグデータ等を活用した技術を取り入れる必要があります。イスラエルは、AI・ビッグデータ・ コンピュータビジョンなどのディープテックにおいて世界トップクラスの研究開発大国であり、現在分野問わず6,000社ほどのハイテク・スタートアップが存在しています。
この4~5年間で日本からイスラエルへの投資は増加し、自動車・ 医療・セキュリティなどの分野で様々なパートナーシップが築かれていますが、今回は更なる分野への挑戦として、初めてイスラエルのニューメディア企業6社が来日することになりました。イスラエルに関心のある方は貴重な機会をお見逃しなく!
EDGEof (エッジオブ) 2F
渋谷駅より徒歩5分 TOWER RECORDSの向かい
■参加費■ 無料
18:30 開場
19:00-19:05 開会の辞 小田嶋Alex太輔(EDGEof Co-CEO/Co-Founder)
19:05-20:00 パネルディスカッション「イスラエルスタートアップエコシステム及び政府が提供する支援プログラム」パネリスト:ニール・プラテック (CEO at eLADY & Lisuto) (CEO at eLADY & Lisuto)、ノア・アッシャー氏 (駐日イスラエル大使館 経済公使)
19:30-20:10 イスラエルスタートアップ ピッチ
20:10-21:30 ネットワーキング
Deepnen (コンピュータビジョン)
HumanEyes (VRソリューション)
SmarterTV (ビデオ体験)
Tetavi (ポータブル立体動画キャプチャシステム)
Texel (バーチャルプレゼンス体験)
XVTEC (ビデオ配信)
Dynamic Yield (パーソナライゼーションプラットフォーム)
Web、アプリ、電子メール、キオスク、IoT、コールセンターなど、あらゆる顧客とのタッチポイントにおいて、個別化されたエクスペリエンスを可能にする、AI搭載の Personalization Anywhere™プラットフォーム。ニューヨークに本社を置き、世界中で300社を超える企業にサービスを提供。
Israeli Startup Night “The Future of Viewing Experience”
Peatix registration is required to attend the event.
The pitch and networking event of Israeli new media startup (broadcasting technology, fan engagement video experience, VR, content, etc.) will be held for the first time on Tuesday, November 12.
Social media, mobile devices, and 5G are changing the way for viewers consume media, it is necessary to adopt technologies that utilize AI, big data, and other technologies in order to win the competition over how quickly deliver new suitable content for viewers. Israel is a world leader in deep tech R & D, including AI, Big Data and Computer Vision, and currently has about 6,000 high-tech startups in every field.
The Investment from Japan to Israel has increased the last 4-5 years, and various partnerships have been established in areas such as automobiles, medical care, and Cyber security. 8 Israeli new media companies will visit Japan for the first time as a challenge in further fields. If you are interested in Israel, don’t miss it!
18:30 Doors Open
19:00-19:05 Opening Remark by Taisuke Alex Odajima(EDGEof Co-CEO/Co-Founder)
19:05-20:00 Panel Discussion ”Israeli Startup Ecosystem and Government Support” Panelists: Nir Plateck (CEO at eLADY & Lisuto)、Minister, Head of Economic and Trade Mission
19:30-20:10 Israeli Startups Pitch
20:10-21:30 Networking
Participating Startups
DeepNen reinvents reality manipulation in images and videos with a revolutionary AI technology. Our solution makes the process quicker and more affordable than ever before. We believe that video editing will be done in the future with AI and we are developing this technology today ahead of the industry, to be first-to-market. www.deepnen.com
From a digital imaging background, HumanEyes Technologies Ltd (HET), an innovative Israeli company with a US subsidiary, turned towards VR-3D in late 2014. Since, it has developed high performance, intuitive and affordable solutions including its attractive Vuze cameras, advanced editing software and seamless sharing applications leveraging state of the art and patented VR-3D technology. www.humaneyes.com
By means of co-production, we deploy ultra high resolution cameras to the venue. The captured video is processed and indexed based on its metadata. On the other side, the viewer enjoys a smart video player that allows him/her to: i)Control the cameras, ii)Directly click objects of interest in the video to launch a large set of in-video apps In the near future we focus on video capturing ‘mass participation sport events’- the fans on the tribunes and marathon runners. www.smartertv.net
TetaVi’s portable volumetric video capturing system creates volumetric 3D assets, enabling the viewer to interactively choose a viewpoint in 3D space and freely navigate within real world visual scenes. Broadcast quality volumetric video in high frame-rate with no greenscreen backdrop requirement. www.tetavi.com
Personalized TV (or mobile) viewing experience at scale, combining multiple streams, data and social media. Each viewer gets a unique TV screen view customized to personal choices of friends remotely watching together, access to multiple camera angles, selection of favorite commentators and more. Offered as a Cloud service to content owners and content providers. https://www.texel.live/
XVTEC’s solutions addresses the market requirement for a small form factor, low power, Ultra Low latency 4K UHD, encoders and decoders producing broadcast level video quality. XVTEC offers a scalable management S/W for easily controlling all units in the field. www.xvtec.com
Dynamic Yield
Dynamic Yield is an AI-powered Personalization Anywhere™ platform that delivers individualized experiences at every customer touchpoint: web, apps, email, kiosks, IoT, and call centers. Headquartered in New York, the company serves more than 300 brands across the world. www.dynamicyield.com
Viewbix provides an interactive video platform and actionable analytics suite to enable companies to drive meaningful ROI from their videos. Companies are now able to understand the effectiveness of both their on-demand and live videos and how to best utilize them across their website, mobile and ad campaigns. With experience measuring and managing millions of user interactions, Viewbix has proven that engagement enhanced videos deliver better results, driving meaningful ROI and insights for their business. www.viewbix.om