English message follows below:
今年一年を振り返ってみますと、イスラエルと日本の経済関係はかつてないほど強固なものになったことを実感しています。最初の6ヶ月間、イスラエル・ハイテクへの日本からの投資は、外国からの投資総額の17%を占め、過去最高を記録しました(参照)。2023年3月、イスラエルの航空会社エル・アル航空による直行便がついに就航し、日本からイスラエルへの所要時間はヨーロッパへ飛ぶよりも2~3時間短縮されました。4月には、電気通信分野での協力を促進し、日本とイスラエルの若者のワーキングホリデービザを可能にする2つの二国間協定が締結されました。5月末に東京で開催された「The Land of the Rising Sun Meets the Land of Rising Innovation」会議には、日本とイスラエルの企業数百社が参加しました。西村経済産業大臣は9月、政府高官や企業幹部からなる大規模な代表団を率いてイスラエルを訪問し、来日を間近に控えたヘルツォーク大統領と会談を行いました。同月、自由貿易地域協定(経済連携協定)のための共同実施可能性調査が無事終了し、包括的な二国間協定への道が開かれました。ニール・バルカット大臣は、イスラエル経済大臣としては7年ぶりとなる歴史的な東京・大阪訪問を行う予定でした。大規模なビジネス代表団を伴った今回の訪問日程は、新しいプロジェクト及びビジネス取引の基盤を築き、経済関係をさらに発展させるようなイベント、会議、訪問で埋め尽くされていました。
2週間前、インテル・コーポレーションのパット・ゲルシンガー最高経営責任者(CEO)は、イスラエルでの事業についてインタビューで次のように述べました: 「直接雇用の従業員、請負業者、建設業者合わせて2万人の従業員を抱えていますが、そのうちの約17%が予備役として勤務しています。私たちは紛争で家族を何人か失い、メンバーの何人かは子供を失いました。また、今もまだ拉致被害者もいます。我々はチームへ経済的、感情的な面においてサポートを行ってきました。しかし、イスラエルの人々は地球上で最も回復力のある人々です。彼らは紛争があったにもかかわらず、ウエハーのコミットメントや製品のコミットメントを一度も欠かしたことがありません。だからこそ、我々は彼らを深く信じているのです」。
一方、日本はイスラエルを継続して支援しており、厳しい状況にもかかわらず、過去3ヶ月間に多くの業務提携が発表されました 。
Daniel Kolbar ダニエル・コルバー
Head of Economic & Trade Mission
Embassy of Israel in Japan
As we enter 2024 this weekend, we would like to wish all our friends and colleagues in Japan, Israel and around the world a Happy and Peaceful New year. I would like to take this opportunity to extend appreciation and gratitude to all our partners for the support, partnership and solidarity during the past year.
When we look back at the year that just ended, I believe that the economic relations between Israel and Japan have become stronger than ever. During the first six months, Japanese investment in Israeli High-Tech accounted for a record 17% of total foreign investments (Reference). Direct flights were finally launched in March 2023 by Israeli airline EL-AL, making the journey from Japan to Israel 2-3 hours shorter than flying to Europe. Two bilateral agreements were signed in April fostering collaborations in the field of telecommunications and enabling working holidays visas for young Japanese and Israeli nationals. The Land of the Rising Sun Meets the Land of Rising Innovation, first conference of its kind held end of May in Tokyo, brought together hundreds of Japanese and Israeli companies. METI Minister Nishimura visited Israel in September with a large delegation of senior official and business executives, and met with President Herzog, who was about to visit Japan himself. The Joint Feasibility Study for a free trade area agreement (Economic Partnership Agreement) was successfully concluded the same month, paving the way for a comprehensive bilateral agreement. Minister Nir Barkat was about to begin a historic visit in Tokyo and Osaka, first visit of an Israeli Minister of Economy in seven years. The itinerary of his visit, accompanied by a large business delegation, was filled with events, meetings and visits that would have laid the foundation for new projects and business transactions, and develop the economic relations further.
For us at the Israel Economic and Trade Mission in Japan, 2023 reached new records in terms of the number of activities, number of B2B meetings set-up between Israeli and Japanese companies, the number of Israeli companies who reached out to us requesting assistance in the Japanese market, and the number of ‘success stories’.
The brutal terror attacks on Israel on October 7th, 2023, caused an unimaginable number of fatalities, casualties and abductees and marked a sad chapter in the long history of the Jewish people. Once again, our resilience was put to a test. While we are forced to fight those evil forces and defend ourselves, we also do our best to develop the economy and international partnerships – No Matter What. Our partners around the world are counting on, and often inspired by, Israeli innovation and we cannot let them down.
Two weeks ago, Intel Corporation CEO Pat Gelsinger said in an interview about the company’s operations in Israel: “We have 20,000 souls I consider myself as responsible for there between our direct employees and contractors and construction, and about 17% of them are on reserve duty today. We’ve lost several in the conflict from the family, and some of our members have lost their children, and we still have some hostages.. We’ve supported our teams financially, emotionally… But the Israeli people are the most resilient people on earth. They have not missed a single wafer commitment or product commitment despite the conflict. That’s why we believe so deeply in them”.
We have talked about Business Continuity and Economic Resilience in our recent webinar, the recording is available here.
This week, Intel announced it will invest 15 billion USD in its plant in Israel, in addition to its 10 billion USD investment announced in 2019.
Meanwhile, Japan continues to support Israel and many business collaborations were announced over the past 3 months, despite the challenging situation.
I’m writing this text from Israel, where I had the opportunity to attend the annual conference of Israel’s Commercial Attaches. We spent a week here with our colleagues, met with our partners and dozens of Israeli exporters, visited Kibbutz Kfar Aza that suffered many losses, met President Herzog, and attended many inspiring and important lectures and discussions. The situation is not easy and the battles in Israel’s southern and northern borders are expected to last for a while. Over 150 thousand Israeli’s are still displaced from their homes. But life in most of Israel continues almost as normal and the spirit is high. During the nearly two weeks that I spent in Tel-Aviv, known as ‘the city that never stops’, the sirens went off once and all the rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome. People in Tel-Aviv flock the cafes, restaurants, streets, parks and offices. I had the opportunity to witness at first hand the resilience and strength of the StartUp Nation.
The visit in Israel reinforced my belief that in 2024, life and business in Israel will continue, no matter what. Meanwhile, we pray for the hostages to return to their families, and for peaceful days in Israel and the region. Thanks once again for your support during 2023 and looking forward to working with you next year.
Daniel Kolbar
Head of Economic & Trade Mission
Embassy of Israel in Japan