■日時 11月16日 16:30 – 18:00
駐日イスラエル大使館 経済部
モデレーター: ダニエル・コルバー公使・駐日イスラエル大使館経済部代表
開会挨拶:(20分) |
- Mr. Gilad Cohen, Ambassador of Israel to Japan
- Mr. Seiichiro Takahashi, Minister, Deputy Chief of Mission, Head of Economic Section, Embassy of Japan in Israel
- Mr. Gilad Majerowicz, Chairman, Israel Japan Chamber of Commerce (IJCC)
戦時下における経済的レジリエンス:イスラエル経済の現状と事業継続のための対策の概観(15分) |
- Dr. Einat Magal, Acting IIA Chairman, Acting Chief Scientist of Innovation, Ministry of Innovation, Science & Technology
日本・イスラエル経済関係の展望(40分) |
- Mr. Tetsuji Madarame, Principal Fellow, Digitalization Group, Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK)
- Mr. Kei Takagi, Business Development Manager, NEC Israel Research Center
- Mr. Kazunari Okada, President, Iscar Japan
- Ms. Tami Raviv, CEO, Globalconn Business Development, a bereaved partner who lost her daughter in the terror attack on October 7th
- Mr. Nobuyuki Akimoto, Co-Founder & Managing Director, AT Partners
- Mr. Izumi Kousaka, CCLO, NTT Innovation Laboratory Israel
- Mr. Ido Savir, CEO, SuperMeat
- Mr. Nir Platek, CEO and Founder, Lisuto
閉会の挨拶と質疑応答 (15分) |
- Mr. Yoav Keidar, Chairman, Japan Israel Business Forum (JIBF) and Chairman of Aisan Information System

Business Continuity and Economic Resilience in Times of War
Implications and Outlook for Japan-Israel Economic Relations
■Date: November 16, 2023 16:30 – 18:00
- Economic & Trade Mission, Embassy of Israel in Japan;
- Israel Japan Chamber of Commerce (IJCC);
- Japan-Israel Business Forum (JIBF)
■Supported: Japan Israel Innovation Network (JIIN)
■The event will be held virtually in English and Japanese, with simultaneous Interpretation
Moderator: Daniel Kolbar, Minister, Head of Economic & Trade Mission, Embassy of Israel in Japan
Opening Remarks: (20 min) |
- Mr. Gilad Cohen, Ambassador of Israel to Japan
- Mr. Seiichiro Takahashi, Minister, Deputy Chief of Mission, Head of Economic Section, Embassy of Japan in Israel
- Mr. Gilad Majerowicz, Chairman, Israel Japan Chamber of Commerce (IJCC)
Economic Resilience in times of War: Overview of current state of Israeli Economy and Measures to ensure Business Continuity (15 min) |
- Dr. Einat Magal, Acting IIA Chairman, Acting Chief Scientist of Innovation, Ministry of Innovation, Science & Technology
Virtual Roundtable:
Outlook for Japan-Israel Economic Relations(40 min) |
- Mr. Tetsuji Madarame, Principal Fellow, Digitalization Group, Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK)
- Mr. Kei Takagi, Business Development Manager, NEC Israel Research Center
- Mr. Kazunari Okada, President, Iscar Japan
- Ms. Tami Raviv, CEO, Globalconn Business Development, a bereaved partner who lost her daughter in the terror attack on October 7th
- Mr. Nobuyuki Akimoto, Co-Founder & Managing Director, AT Partners
- Mr. Izumi Kousaka, CCLO, NTT Innovation Laboratory Israel
- Mr. Ido Savir, CEO, SuperMeat
- Mr. Nir Platek, CEO and Founder, Lisuto
Q&A and Closing Remarks (15 min) |
- Mr.Yoav Keidar, Chairman, Japan Israel Business Forum (JIBF) and Chairman of Aisan Information System